Botoșani 13 European Projects
Botoșani 13 European Projects
luni, 29 mai 2017
About my life. Maria Zaharia, age 10. Despre viata mea. Maria Zaharia, 10 ani
vineri, 26 mai 2017
Preparing the Culture Box and some surprises for the pupils in Lavrio, Greece. Pregatind Cutia culturala si niste surprize elevilor din Lavrio, Grecia
Today we found out about the Culture and Alphabet Day in Bulgaria. Astazi am aflat despre Ziua Culturii si Alfabetului in Bulgaria. Pupils wrote their names in the Cyrilic alphabet. Copiiii si-au scris numele in alfabet chirilic
joi, 11 mai 2017
Poland Erasmus Day. Polonaise dance. Class 1B
Cantec despre partile corpului. Song about body parts. Preparatory B
miercuri, 10 mai 2017
Our partners from Poland celebrated the National Day on 3rd of May. Happy National Day, Poland!
Our partners from Turkey celebrated the Sovereignity and Children*s Day on 23rd of April. About this festival:
The tradition of dying eggs in motifs and patterns. Traditia pictarii oualelor in motive
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Green Home, Green World-logo and poster work
Let's celebrate spring! European project work
The beginning of our story for the kindergarten from Vratsa, Bulgaria. Inceputul povestii noastre pentru gradinita din Vratsa, Bulgaria
Frienship There was once a boy named Thomas. He was rich, he had everything he wanted to, but he felt the absence of his parents. They were...