sâmbătă, 19 noiembrie 2016

Ziua Sfintei Caterina in Estonia

Dear friends,
we would like to inform you about Saint Catherine's Day's (Kadripäev in Estonian) celebrations on the 25th of November.
In Estonia, the five parish churches and at least as many chapels have been dedicated to St Catherine.
Kadripäev is still widely celebrated in the modern Estonia. It marks the arrival of winter, The customs of Kadripäev generally associate with the Catherine beggars (Kadrisandid), and the customs are similar to the traditions practiced on St Martin's Day (10 November). Both holidays require dressing up and going from door to door on the eve of the Day to collect gifts (e.g sweets, apples, money) in return for the special songs and poems. The main content of the songs and poems is to wish good luck with the herds and flocks. The Kadrisandid dress up as women or girls, and they wear white clothes, which is reference to the coming snow.
As Uhtna school is situated in the rural area, the holiday is quite popular among our pupils. At school we are going to celebrate Kadripäev on the 25th of November together with the children from the local playschool. Please follow our blog to watch the videos and photos

With best wishes,

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