miercuri, 14 decembrie 2016

Story round-The story of un unusual bee. Bulgaria-Romania-3B. Poveste in lant-Povestea unei albinute neobisnuite. Inceputa de Bulgaria, terminata de 3B

The Story of An Unusual Little Bee

          Once upon a time there was a little bee. She was not an usual bee, she was magic. Her/its wings were covered in magic golden powder, which made everything smiling and blooming. This powder made children happy and joyful. The little bee had a good heart, made goodness and every day she looked for new friends. She flied freely above forests, fields, flowers and met birds, animals and people.
She helped everyone, especially children to learn new things, to draw and even to dance.
In one sunny day she met a very beautiful but sad butterfly, which wanted to be good, but she did not know how…
Our little bee stopped next to the butterfly and told her some simple things:
-      To wake up every morning with smile;
-      To help everyone who needs help;
-      To be friendly;
-      To not be afraid…
-      … And to love everyone she meets on her way.
After this the little bee spread some magic golden powder and everything changed immediately: The butterfly was smiling, the flowers were smiling, the children’s faces were illuminated by smiles…
The happy bee flew away, wishing to share the good will with many creatures with the help of her magic golden powder. But something unexpected happened to her: everywhere she went, she came across the smiling faces of those who had already heard about the children she had made happy, about the butterfly story everyone wanted to hear and how she had helped them to be good.
            So the bee flew farther. She flew and flew and flew… until she arrived in ... Romania! A curious thing here, too: everyone greeted her with pleasure. The children had heard about her from the children from Bulgaria. So the little magic bee realized she didn’t need  the special powder on her  wings anymore, that the magic had spread and continued  to spread to the world, that only her presence or the thought about her or about everyone she had touched made everyone:
- To wake up with a smile every day,
- To help anyone in need,
-To be friendly,
-Not to be afraid,
-To love everybody ,

            THANK YOU!

3B and the teacher, Miss Gianina Popovici
Drawing by Ana Burlacu, 8B

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