marți, 26 octombrie 2021

Autumn vibes. Connecting with nature. Inclusive education. Proiect european e-twinning 2020-2021

 Autumn vibes. Connecting with nature. Inclusive education.

Proiect european e-twinning


Numele unităţii de învăţământ aplicante: ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ  NR. 13 Botoşani

Coordonatori proiect din Şcoala Gimnazială nr. 13 Botoşani:

Filip Mihaela

Creţu Irina Oltica

Hazaparu Anamaria

Sorohan Manuela

Neagu Daniela

Cojocaru Adriana

Popovici Maria

Amarandei Carmen

Cojocariu Corina

Popovici Geanina

Raileanu Raluca

Obada Iuliana

Etwinning ID 331889

Subiecte: Art, Citizenship, Cross Curricular, Design and Technology, Environmental Education, Foreign Languages, Health Studies, History of Culture, Home economics, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Music, Natural Sciences, Physical Education, Primary School Subjects, Special Needs


Deutsch, English, español, français, italiano, latviešu valoda, polski, português, română, slovenčina, slovenščina, Türkçe

About the project

We want to share the beauty of this season through nature exploration, cooking, arts and crafts done by pupils. Autumn brings a variety of colours, smells and tastes. We want to use o variety of senses and to feel the vibes of this season. We want to include all pupils in this activities.




The pupils will develop

- the communication in mother tongue and in foreign languages

-the group work

-the use of ICT tools

-the notions about seasons

-a more positive atitude towards implication, collaboration

-the artistic taste



October . introduction of school, of students. Movie making

October: decoration of school, schoolyard with leaves, pumpkins, etc.

October: autumn games outside

November: Arts and crafts from autumn collections

November: Cooking show . Cooking using products from our garden



We are planning of creating an online story with pictures and ideas of the pupils. We are planning to create a cooking book online with recipes created during the cooking activity. We are going to post videos on the you tube page. It will be fun.


ü Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 13 Botoşani

ü Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny w Lipiu, Lipie, Poland

ü 1st Vocational High School of Drama Greece

ü Alternative Learning Programme Paola, Malta

ü DDS di Todi, Todi (Pg), Italia

ü Joniskio Saules Pagrindine Mokykla, Lithuania

ü Louis Jouvet Taverny, France

ü İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü,İkizce, Turcia



Activităţile vor fi postate pe platforma twinspace a proiectului

pe site-ul scolii

pe blogul proiectelor europene al şcolii

pe grupul de facebook disseminate European projects


pe grupul de facebook al clubului de engleza al scolii
















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